The Model ACT-34D 4-Channel Block Coded Key Ring TRANS PROX Transmitter & Proximity Tag is designed for use with Linear?s access control products. The Model ACT-34D is a four-channel device supplied with a quick-disconnect key ring. Also included are lithium batteries with a five-year service life. A unique 10-second time-out feature prevents the system from being shut down by a single transmitter transmitting continuously.The ACT-34D also contains a 26-bit Wiegand proximity tag programmed to the same block code as the transmitter. The tag is compatible with the Model AM-PR Proximity Reader. Waving the transmitter near the reader will request access from the system.
Main Features : - Compatible with all Linear access receivers and controllers.
- Built-in 26-bitWiegand proximity tag
- Eliminates need for separate proximity card or tags and transmitter.
- Supplied with quick-disconnect key ring.
- Same facility and ID codes for transmitter and proximity tag.